Ultra-high purity acids and bases.challenge: accepted.
As we all know, a good boxing match lasts twelve rounds. Quite nice - but in chemical analysis it only gets really challenging when there are twelve zeros. For example, when laboratory analysts want to detect the tiniest elements in the ppt range as part of a metal analysis.
As a rule, they must first completely dissolve their samples, i.e. chemically break them down. What counts here - as in the boxing ring - is the most targeted preparation possible using suitable auxiliary reagents, especially acids.
Excellent clean work.
The magic word for these important additives is generally: quality. Reliable results can only be achieved if the consistency and purity of the acids exactly match the respective application. After all, under no circumstances should the reagents be visible in the final element analysis. For extremely demanding detection in the ppt range, AnalytiChem therefore offers ultra-high purity acids that excel across the board in terms of both purity and cost-effectiveness.
Technically superior.
A champion never reveals the secret of his success, but we'll make an exception for you: we manufacture our ultra-high-purity acids in ppt quality in clean rooms specially equipped for this purpose - in Western Europe, mind you, which guarantees you maximum security in terms of delivery reliability. The entire process is accompanied by continuous and close-meshed controls so that you can rely on flawless end results - as is the case with our numerous other laboratory chemicals.
Acids in ppt quality
For ultra-trace analysis
Further information and products on our acids and bases in ppb and ppt quality can be found here.