+49 (2 03) 51 94-0

Operating efficiency. Environmentally responsible.

We are committed to Responsible Care®, so we voluntarily go beyond our legal and regulatory obligations. Responsible Care® is a global initiative of the chemical industry to continuously improve processes with regards to environmental protection, health and safety.

The Guiding Principles of Responsible Care®

The Guiding Principles of Responsible Care® pertain mainly to the following areas:

Safe and secure storage
All items are stored in accordance with the legal requirements to rule out hazardous effects on humans and the environment, to prohibit access by unauthorized parties, to prevent quality impairment and to support the value chain by short transportation routes and easy sourcing.

Environmental protection
AnalytiChem is actively engaged in environmental protection. Since 1989, we have applied our patented processing method of spent COD solutions, with which we make the contained mercury and silver available again for future use. Every year we recover 400 kg of mercury and 80 kg of silver from the about 38 tons of COD solutions we take back. We feed these metals back into the materials cycle.

Transport safety
We transport chemicals by road in our own vehicles, which are operated by specially trained drivers. Other carriers are commissioned only if they can guarantee safe transportation.



Open communication is part of our corporate culture at AnalytiChem. We promote exchanging safety information between us and our customers.

Employee safety

Our workflows are clearly defined to ensure that our employees are protected from harm when handling our products. We regularly train our staff and use the latest technology.

Plant safety
Our manufacturing processes are designed not to have any harmful effects on the environment and on our employees.

Comprehensive product stewardship
We make every effort to recognize potential dangers that our products may pose. This includes assessing potential risks and taking measures to prevent or mitigate risks. We at AnalytiChem do not deliver products to private individuals. The current safety data sheets can be downloaded from our website at any time.